Patience and Caring in Self-Reliance

In this essay, I am going to show the relationship between the values of patience and caring with the essay: “Self-Reliance”, written by the author, Ralph Waldo Emerson, who was a well-known writer lecturer in the 19th century. In the essay, Waldo shares his thoughts about self-reliance and the importance of trusting in yourself when you get at that point in your life in which you are mature enough for been, what I understand as, independent and you fell that need of thinking by yourself and having your own ideas.

Everybody is different, all men and women must be nonconformist, we´ll should create by our self an attitude that makes them have control of their lives, even though others try to change you, and there is where we have to show patience and tolerate the others opinions, but without losing who you are.

In addition, he talks about the conformism of some people that let themselves to be manipulate, and that had begun to go out of the way and had loosed their perceptions of what is good and what it is not. Then he clarifies that for him something “right” or good is that thing or attitude that goes or match with your nature and that what he considers bad or wrong is something that goes against your nature.

That is something I consider true because after all you are the one how creates his or her own parameters, based on this is how you lead your life, and this for me is a kind of little way of showing caring for the others, advising them to live their lives under their own parameters following their believes. In addition, we can say that the deed of talking about self-reliance by itself is a way of showing caring for those who are confused, and are following the others ideals, the others believes, and not theirs.

Waldo also talks about his ideal of a great man that for him is someone that even though the confusing it seems the way he is traveling by, he can keep taking care of himself, I mean been independent. Moreover, for those who are nonconformist, and that face the peoples dislike toward their ideas and ideals, he said that they should be patient because that reaction of people toward them will change as the wind blows, and they could change their minds or simply stop caring about it, then so why should you care about them?.

Later, Waldo says that another “terror” that scare us from self-trust is our consistency, because we´ll have a past in which we think different of what we do today. Other persons always have this record of you saying this and that, expressing this and that, but it is as simple as you have changed your opinion, because that’s what an nonconformist does, he change his or her mind toward the change of the situation, or maybe now you see the things from a different angle or point of view. Even though people misunderstand you. Then so, Waldo conclude that you should not be afraid of been misunderstood by people, because those we consider that were great people in the past, such as Galileo, Newton, Jesus, Socrates, Luther, etc. were misunderstood. From here is where it comes this great quote of Waldo, that says, “To be great is to be misunderstood”.


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